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Cedre website

Cedre website

Translation of texts for Cedre’s website (Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution): www.cedre.fr AllAgri-foodChemistryCultural heritageEnvironmentExhibitionsMarine energiesMaritime...
Collection La Pérouse

Collection La Pérouse

Translation from French into English of a website produced by the Association Salomon, telling the story of the ill-fated maritime expedition of La Pérouse and the collection of remains uncovered during underwater archaeological excavations....
Consopôle Institut

Consopôle Institut

Dans le domaine du marketing, traduction du français vers l’anglais du site Internet de Consopôle Institut, spécialistes des tests consommateurs sensoriels et marketing. AllAgri-foodChemistryCultural heritageEnvironmentExhibitionsMarine energiesMaritime...
Laïta website

Laïta website

In the agri-food industry, translation from French into English of the website and news articles published by Laïta, the leading cooperative dairy company in north-west France. AllAgri-foodChemistryCultural heritageEnvironmentExhibitionsMarine energiesMaritime...
Understanding Black Tides

Understanding Black Tides

Translation from French into English of the educational website “Mieux comprendre les marées noires” on the theme of oil spills, designed for 12- to 18-year-olds and their teachers. AllAgri-foodChemistryCultural heritageEnvironmentExhibitionsMarine...