Translation of texts for Cedre’s website (Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution): AllAgri-foodChemistryCultural heritageEnvironmentExhibitionsMarine energiesMaritime...
AllAgri-foodChemistryCultural heritageEnvironmentExhibitionsMarine energiesMaritime heritageMarketingPhotographyProofreadingPublicationsSpill responseTranslationVideosVoice overWebsites Temporary exhibition “Beau and belle. Beauty in the Renaissance”, Château de...
AllAgri-foodChemistryCultural heritageEnvironmentExhibitionsMarine energiesMaritime heritageMarketingPhotographyProofreadingPublicationsSpill responseTranslationVideosVoice overWebsites Temporary exhibition “Beau and belle. Beauty in the Renaissance”, Château de...
For the European project ARCOPOL (Atlantic Regions Coastal Pollution Response), translation from French to English of the guide entitled “Involvement of Sea Professionals in Spill Response”. AllAgri-foodChemistryCultural...
For the European project ARCOPOL (Atlantic Regions Coastal Pollution Response), translation from French to English of the “Local Authorities guide. What to do in the event of a spill “. AllAgri-foodChemistryCultural heritageEnvironmentExhibitionsMarine...